Flood Resiliency & Wildlife Preservation
Natural Flood Control
In Vermont’s river world, there are two eras: Before Irene, and After Irene. The storms’ effects were felt statewide: waters rushed out of the steep sides of the Green Mountains, cutting through homes and bridges, and into peoples’ lives.
With climate change, we’re likely to see another “Irene” again. When we protect land along rivers and restore wetlands, we help slow raging waters, keeping downstream homes and businesses safe. Our work guarantees the land will be at-the-ready to absorb the next big flood. And between now and then, it’ll provide great habitat for riverside-loving birds and wildlife.
River Corridor Easements
Unique to Vermont River Conservancy, these easements allow people to continue owning and using their land, often for agriculture. They also agree to allow the river to move naturally across the land. They won’t dig canals or force the river into a straight line, they won’t line the riverbank with “rip-rap” of tires or granite. They’ll allow the river to flood, and move, and change its course over time.
Conservation Easements
These easements help uphold the land’s public access and conservation values. They’re sometimes used for small ½-acre parcels to buy the land and ensure public access, or to protect wildlife and conservation values on lands that are hundreds or even thousands of acres.
See our Landowner Toolbox for more on how to protect land in Vermont.