Weekly on Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 AM, from Jun 14 through Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday mornings in June, join a Vermont River Conservancy ecologist in the field to explore Vermont’s rivers from a bird’s eye view. No, not from a helicopter — we’re really talking about birds! Each week we’ll explore a different site, identify special habitat features, and watch in real time as birds hunt, forage, breed, and nest.
When: 7-8:30 a.m. every Wednesday in June
- 6/14 @ Wilson Wetland Preserve in Putney. Park by the kiosk on the south side of Sand Hill Rd., 0.4 miles west of Route 5.
- 6/21 @ Herricks Cove in Bellows Falls. Park in the lot at the end of Herricks Cove Road.
- 6/28 @ Townshend Reservoir in West Townshend. Wednesday’s bird walk at Townshend Reservoir will begin at the parking lot by the beach. Take route 30 from Brattleboro and turn left on Dam Road. You’ll reach a small grassy island and take a sharp right onto US Corps of Engineers Park (following the west shore of the reservoir). Park at the lot on your right just before the sandy beach.
What you’ll need: Comfortable footwear and clothing for the day’s weather. Binoculars are optional but recommended — if you have a spare pair, consider bringing it to share! Don’t forget your coffee if it’s your secret to being an early-bird.
Cost: free as a bird
Email hayley@vermontriverconservancy.org with questions or to register in advance. Drop-ins are also welcome!