DO NOT SWIM! Vermont waters are currently unsafe. Due to significant rain and flooding in most of Vermont on July 10th, with rains continuing on July 11th, currents are very strong. Also, most rivers are filled with debris, effluent, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. and are unsafe for swimming.
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Flowing Forward: Recordings and Resources

November 16, 2023 by Addie Hedges
Montpelier during the July of 2023 flood

Did you miss our Flowing Forward post-flood webinar series? If you did, find all of the resources and recordings of the Zoom meetings here.


Flowing Forward I: Home

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Discussed river processes and learned about actions you can take for your lawn, garden, and home to absorb rainwater and help mitigate floods.

Topics included: rain gardens, stream health, riparian buffers, permeable surfaces, etc.

Flowing Forward II: Community

Flowing Forward webinar social media ad

Learned about community flood resilience projects. Discovered how local organizations advocate for and complete conservation projects.

Topics included: Conservation districts, conservation commissions, riverfront revitalization, etc.

Flowing Forward III: State

Heard about state programs that study rivers. We also saw how statewide organizations are working together to protect rivers.

Topics Included: Hazard Mitigation Plans, River Corridor Plans, Conservation Easements, etc.

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