The Vermont River Conservancy is actively working to develop, in partnership with other organizations around the state, paddlers’ trails for our rivers. Here are some we are working on:
The Connecticut River Paddlers’ Trail. The VRC has been actively conserving land along the Upper Connecticut River for nearly fifteen years. Since, 2009, the VRC has facilitated a multi-partner effort to manage and improve stewardship of access points, portage trails, and campsites along the river. Work is focused on developing and stewarding campsites from ‘source to sea’ – creating a 410 mile paddling route through the heart of New England..
The Northern Forest Canoe Trail: This 740 mile route crosses Vermont via the Missisquoi, Clyde, and Nulhegan Rivers. The VRC has assisted with conservation projects along the route, most notably in Enosburg Falls along the Missisquoi, as well as along the lower Nulhegan.
The Lamoille River Paddlers’ Trail: This is an emerging, grassroots effort to improve recreational opportunities along the Lamoille. VRC facilitates a steering committee working on a variety of stewardship and mapping projects along one of Vermont’s finest tripping rivers.
The Passumpsic River Paddlers’ Trail: A “spur” to the Connecticut River, the Passumpsic is a popular destination for day trips in VT’s Northeast Kingdom. Work is underway to improve access and develop guides for visitors.
The White River Paddlers’ Trail. Vermont’s longest undammed river, the White provides fine paddling opportunities with few portages. VRC has been active in helping conserve lands and assisting with improvement projects. The White River Partnership is coordinating this project
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