If you’ve ever stayed at our popular Nulhegan Hut cabin in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, you probably noticed the dilapidated buildings where you parked.
Good news! Today we signed final paperwork to buy that land. Adjacent to a large block of conserved lands, this project along the wild Nulhegan River augments conservation connectivity, restores riparian habitat, cleans-up the riverfront, and creates new opportunities for all-access recreation (day and overnight).
Why did we protect these 2-acres? It’s simple:
This is part of our vision for the Nulhegan Hut area to:
- Enhance connectivity and improve habitat. The newly purchased land is right next to this wildlife-rich 73-acre Nulhegan Hut parcel that already features 3 ½ miles of protected riverfront, community trails, and a timber-framed hut. Now that we own the adjacent land, we’ll work to clean it up and restore it by adding trees and shrubs important for fish, birds, and wildlife.
- Provide safe, welcoming recreation opportunities for all. Right now, the dilapidated structures and trash near the parking area don’t make Nulhegan Hut feel as safe or as welcoming as it should be. Once it’s cleaned-up, it’ll create a more welcoming experience for all.
- Increase accessibility. Looking ahead, we hope to build future accessible amenities on the new property, potentially including a river overlook, river access trail, and a new hut for overnight stays…giving you a new great place to stay in the Northeast Kingdom.
Wish those falling-apart buildings next door would just go away? Let’s do it! You can make a difference when you donate to support conservation projects like this today.
Thank you! To our many supporters who have supported this project so far, including Davis Conservation Foundation, Jane B. Cook Foundation, Carl and Susan Taylor, and an anonymous donor at Vermont Community Foundation.