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Restoration at an Alluvial Fan Site: Willow Harvest, Propagation, and Planting Project

March 25, 2025 by Amanda Garland

Restoration at an Alluvial Fan Site: Willow Harvest, Propagation, and Planting Project Along Money Brook and the Black River in Plymouth, VT

In an exciting partnership with Black River Action Team, we’re working on a project to restore an alluvial fan site in Plymouth, VT. The focus of this project is to harvest and plant willow at the site, aiming to enhance the ecosystem and support wildlife habitat along this beautiful confluence. 

What is an Alluvial Fan?

To understand the significance of this site, let’s take a moment to explain the landform. An alluvial fan is created where a fast-flowing mountain stream or river slows down as it moves from steep mountain slopes onto flatter ground. As the water loses its speed, it can no longer carry as much sediment, and it deposits gravel, sand, and silt in a fan-shaped pattern. Over time, these deposits build up, creating a fan that’s wide at the base and narrows toward the top where it meets the mountain slope.

In the case of Money Brook, it drops 600 feet in less than a half mile of the brook, then shoots under a route 100 bridge and fans out onto the floodplain valley floor. This unique landscape allows water to spread out, providing an ideal spot for willows and alders to thrive. As the water slows, beavers have also made their home here, contributing to the restoration efforts by building dams and digging ditches. Their activity further slows the water, allowing nutrients to settle in the soil, while also helping the river access its floodplain during high-water events. This results in less water rushing downstream, creating a more stable and balanced ecosystem.

Money Brook enters the conserved land.

The Impact on Wildlife

The changes to the landscape have had a noticeable impact. The landowner has reported a significant increase in wildlife, especially birds, drawn to the area by the rich habitat created by the slow-moving water and thriving vegetation downstream. This natural restoration is not only beneficial for the quality of the water, but also for the local wildlife that depends on it.  

The river corridor easement at Money Brook and the Black River.

The Willow Harvest and Planting Project

Building on the success of the existing willows downstream, we’re now preparing to expand this restoration effort by planting more willows upstream. As soon as the soil is workable, but before the willows on site break dormancy, volunteers will gather to harvest stems, which will then be cut into stakes for planting upstream. With the right timing and conditions, these stakes will sprout into new bushes, further shading the river, slowing the water, and creating vital habitat and forage for wildlife, especially beavers.

Annual monitoring of the site.

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in this exciting conservation effort! Volunteers will be alerted when the conditions are ideal for planting. It’s an opportunity to dig your hands into the land, contribute to an important restoration project, and enjoy an afternoon of stewardship with muddy boots and big smiles.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please email Amanda, VRC Stewardship Manager, at to be added to the list of volunteers. We look forward to another busy season of conservation work, making a real difference for the river, the wildlife, and the community!

The floodplain valley floor.

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