DO NOT SWIM! Vermont waters are currently unsafe. Due to significant rain and flooding in most of Vermont on July 10th, with rains continuing on July 11th, currents are very strong. Also, most rivers are filled with debris, effluent, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. and are unsafe for swimming.
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VRC awarded 2 Watershed Grants

April 3, 2012

Many thanks to the State of Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department’s Watershed Grants!  This year VRC was awarded almost $10,000 to:

  • Initiate efforts to help conserve a “Swimming Hole in Every Town” throughout Vermont;
  • Pilot citizen stewardship of the Connecticut River Paddlers’ Trail campsites and boat access sites.

Watershed Grant support will help VRC develop these efforts, which will result in long-term improvement of public access to Vermont’s swimming holes and stewardship of the Paddlers’ Trail.  More info about how you can get involved coming later this summer!

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