DO NOT SWIM! Vermont waters are currently unsafe. Due to significant rain and flooding in most of Vermont on July 10th, with rains continuing on July 11th, currents are very strong. Also, most rivers are filled with debris, effluent, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. and are unsafe for swimming.
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Winooski River Access Parcel Conserved

February 3, 2011

A Winooski River access parcel in Moretown, just downstream of the confluence of the Mad River, was acquired for permanent conservation at the end of January, 2011.  Jonathan Larsen of Moretown generously gave the property to VRC, and we are now (February 2011) in the process of preparing a conservation easement, deed and other documents to transfer the property to the town and, simultaneously, to make access improvements, including a trail and directional signage.  We hope to have the site open for the coming paddling season.  This 4.25-acre parcel, situated between Route 2 and the Winooski River, just west of the new Route 2 bridge crossing the Winooski, is part of a growing Winooski River Paddlers’ Trail initiative.
Larsen photo

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