Flyfishing on the Nulhegan River (c) Kurt Budlinger

Nulhegan River Access

New day and overnight access along the wild Nulhegan River.

In the heart of Vermont’s northern forest, we seek to secure a parcel along the Nulhegan River adjacent to conserved lands, remove dilapidated structures, and complete site restoration. This will augment conservation connectivity, restore riparian habitat, clean-up the riverfront, and create new opportunities for all-access recreation (day and overnight).

Purchasing and restoring the parcel will:

  1. Enhance connectivity and improve habitat. The parcel is adjacent to a wildlife-rich 73-acre parcel protected by Vermont River Conservancy that includes 3 ½ miles of river, community trails, and a timber-framed hut affiliated with the Vermont Hut Association network. Post acquisition and clean-up, we’ll restore a native riparian buffer through plantings important for fish, birds, and wildlife.
  2. Provide safe, welcoming recreation opportunities for all. Visitors to adjacent conservation lands share consistent feedback: the dilapidated structures and trash on this property make them feel unwelcome and unsafe. Purchasing and cleaning-up this parcel will support a more inclusive experience for those exploring this special place.
  3. Increase accessibility. This conservation project will allow for development of future accessible amenities such as a river overlook, viewpoint, river access trail, a new hut for overnight stays allowing people with a range of abilities to connect with the Nulhegan River.

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