USE CAUTION! Due to significant rain and flooding throughout Vermont, not all rivers and lakes are safe to swim in right now. Please reference our water quality reference guide when determining whether or not it is safe to swim or paddle.
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Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve

Permanent protection for 39 miles of headwater streams.

6,000 acres. 39 miles of streams. 8 highest priority streams for aquatic habitat conservation. 4 vernal pools of statewide significance. Protections for the headwaters of 2 major rivers that flow into Lake Champlain: the Lamoille and the Winooski.

These numbers add up to provide clean, cool water for trout and communities downstream, and high quality wetlands habitat for wildlife like moose and beaver.

The chance to be part of conservation projects with this kind of scale and benefit — for water quality, wildlife, and communities – doesn’t come around every day. Which is exactly why Vermont River Conservancy is partnering with Northeast Wilderness Trust to make Woodbury Mountain Preserve a reality.

Northeast Wilderness Trust purchased the land in 2021, and will own and manage the Preserve going forward. Beginning in 2023, Vermont River Conservancy will hold the conservation easement, ensuring the “forever wild” conservation values are upheld for generations to come.

Make it Happen!

Give today to protect headwaters like this for wildlife and people.

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