DO NOT SWIM! Vermont waters are currently unsafe. Due to significant rain and flooding in most of Vermont on July 10th, with rains continuing on July 11th, currents are very strong. Also, most rivers are filled with debris, effluent, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. and are unsafe for swimming.

Davis Farm River Corridor Easement

Jericho, Vermont

Browns River

Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Conservation land, not open to the public. Please respect private landowners.
A unique river corridor easement allows the Davis family to keep farming, and allows the river to naturally bend and meander across the land.
Dogs not allowed
Dogs not allowed
No cell service
No cell service
  • Public access: No
Davis Farm River Corridor Easement Jericho, Vermont Browns River

Davis Farm River Corridor Easement

This may be the “poster child” of River Corridor Easements — a prime example of why it’s important to protect a broad river corridor, not just a narrow strip along a riverbank. The Davis family has run a dairy farm here for generations, with the Browns River flowing right through the middle of their farm fields. But rivers don’t always stay where they are. While some farmers might try digging out a river channel or lining the banks with tires keep the river in place, the Davis family recognized that a healthy river is a meandering river.

We helped the Davis family put a River Corridor Easement along both sides of the Browns River, protecting both riverbanks (more than 5,000 feet of riverbanks). Close to the river, they agree to let shrubs and trees grow, helping to filter rainwater and keep soil in place, while providing high quality bird habitat. They also agree to let the river flood and change its course, which its done. When we first protected the property years ago, the river ran a straighter course. Today, the river has more bends and curves, and more sandy beaches. This is good news for water quality, and — because a slow, curving river helps store more groundwater along its course — it’s also good news for the Davis family, whose fields, cows, and well water will all benefit from more groundwater.

Conservation Details

  • River: Browns River
  • Acreage: 23.70
  • River frontage (ft): 5,200

Funding Partners

This project made possible thanks to the support and partnership of:

  • Vermont Agency of Natural Resources River Management Program