DO NOT SWIM! Vermont waters are currently unsafe. Due to significant rain and flooding in most of Vermont on July 10th, with rains continuing on July 11th, currents are very strong. Also, most rivers are filled with debris, effluent, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. and are unsafe for swimming.

Roberts River Corridor Easement

Athens, Vermont

Saxtons River

Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Wildlife & Watershed Protection
Conservation land, not open to the public. Please respect private landowners.
Important flood protection for the Saxtons River.
Dogs not allowed
Dogs not allowed
No cell service
No cell service
  • Public access: No
Roberts River Corridor Easement Athens, Vermont Saxtons River

Roberts River Corridor Easement

Three rivers come together here: Saxtons River, Bull Creek, and Weaver Creek. Plus, it’s just upstream from Saxtons Village, where there are more roads, homes, and businesses close to the river. That’s why, when state and local partners created a river corridor plan for Saxtons River — a strategy to keep roads, bridges, homes, and businesses safe from flooding — protecting this land was a top priority.

Vermont River Conservancy’s easement makes sure the land will never be developed, lets trees and shrubs grow-up along the river’s edge, and makes sure the river will be able to move, bend, and flow across the land over time. This helps slow water, lets the river drop rocks and trees it might be carrying during floods, and ultimately helps keep people safer in downstream communities.

Conservation Details

  • River: Saxtons River
  • Acreage: 52.30
  • River frontage (ft): 9,200

Funding Partners

This project made possible thanks to the support and partnership of:

  • Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Ecosystem Restoration Grant