
Restoring Abundance and Conserving Rarity: Helping Vermont’s Native Plants Thrive
Feb 22 | 11 am | Fletcher Memorial Library 88 Main St, Ludlow, VT 05149
How are Vermont's rare plants faring? What about the common ones? Learn about the work of the Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory to map, monitor, and conserve over 600 species of rare and uncommon plant species across the state. Discover how and WHY to responsibly choose native plants for your own pollinator gardens, meadowscaping, and beyond. In-person attendees will receive a small packet of local native wildflower seeds.
More Info Here
Community Watershed Environmental Education Activity - Brattleboro, VT
Jan 21 | 2 pm - 4 pm | Brooks Memorial Library
Come to the library for hands-on, fun, and interactive demonstrations on the sources and effects of water pollution. What is a watershed? How does pollution get in our water? Vermont River Conservancy will run demonstrations and activities on how storm water runoff carries pollutants through the watershed to a pond, lake, river, bay, or ocean – and the best management practices to prevent this type of pollution from occurring. The overall watershed/stormwater concept is effectively communicated to all ages (children to adults)!
Library InformationNews
Enosburg Falls River Access Park conserved!
The Vermont River Conservancy (VRC) has successfully insured permanent public access to a key section of the Missisquoi River. This week the River Conservancy closed…
Reggie Ellingwood memorial
The Vermont River Conservancy Board and staff are very saddened by the sudden loss of a dear friend and dedicated conservationist, Reggie Ellingwood. Reggie recently…
Tom Slayton’s commentary on the Upper Connecticut
In early June a team of Vermont River Conservancy staff, Board members, consultants and guests paddled the Upper Connecticut River from Lemington to Maidstone, camping…
First National Blueway Designated on the Connecticut River
VRC’s collaborative partnership with the Connecticut River Paddlers’ Trail has been recognized by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar: On May 24th he signed a Secretarial Order establishing a…
Almost conserved! Enosburg Falls River Access Park
As of August 2 2012, we have raised over 98% of the $189,250 necessary for protecting public access to the Missisquoi River in Enosburg Falls. With your…
Thank you Town of Enosburgh!
On April 2nd the Town of Enosburgh Selectboard voted to dedicate $10,000 from the Enosburgh Conservation Fund to help create an Enosburg Falls River Access Park…
Stewardship in the wake of Irene
The flood waters may have receded, but they’ve left a tide of Japanese Knotweed stems in their wake. Because it is able to grow from…
Stephan Syz nominated for CVPS-Zetterstrom Environmental Award
Congratulations Stephan! VRC’s co-founder, trustee and volunteer extraordinaire, Stephan Syz, has been nominated for the CVPS-Zetterstrom Environmental Award in recognition of his ceaseless commitment to…
VRC awarded 2 Watershed Grants
Many thanks to the State of Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department’s Watershed Grants! This year VRC was awarded almost $10,000 to: Initiate efforts to help conserve a…
Congratulations Canaan & East Montpelier!
Vermont River Conservancy helped conserve public access to river lands in both Canaan & East Montpelier – and on March 5th, 2012 both towns voted…
Recently Conserved!
Four newly conserved river lands are now included on our Completed Projects map. These four properties were identified by State River Management Program scientists as…
Land conserved in Canaan, VT, protecting access to the Connecticut River
Thanks to support from the Tillotson Foundation, Davis Foundation, Plum Creek, the Upper Connecticut Mitigation and Enhancement Fund, and individual donors, the VRC has purchased…