
Winter Mist
Have you ever noticed the ethereal mist that forms on our rivers in the winter? Read this blog post to learn why this happens.

Easement Surveying Adventure
Read about an adventure surveying a soon-to-be-protected river corridor easement.

What Inspired our AmeriCorps Member’s Service?
Read about what inspires our Community Engagement Coordinator's service through AmeriCorps at Vermont River Conservancy.

Opportunities for Winter River Exploration in Vermont
Find a spot along a Vermont river to explore during the winter.

Celebrating 23 Projects Completed for our Rivers in 2023
Curious about what we have done this year? Read about 23 projects we completed in 2023 and how they contribute to our mission of protecting and restoring rivers in Vermont.

Sampling Macroinvertebrates on the Green River
People of all ages learned about macroinvertebrates and stream health during this all ages event in Guilford.

Meditation along Whetstone Brook
In October, a group met to learn about meditation along physical and metaphorical floodplains. Led by Peter Gould, an author and educator, the group gained more experience with mindfulness.

The Beginning of Vermont’s River Corridor Easement Program
Learn from Vermont River Conservancy board member Mike Kline about how the river corridor easement program began in Vermont.

What do fish do in the winter?
Our writing intern, Maia, asks and answers questions you may be asking about how fish survive in the winter.

Flowing Forward: Recordings and Resources
Did you miss our Flowing Forward webinar series? View the Zoom recordings and resources sheets in this blog post.

At the Riverside: A Summer of Standout Volunteerism
This summer a record number of volunteers went to work for our rivers. Braving a combination of downpours and blistering heat, they donned work gloves, pick mattocks, brooms, and shovels to reopen river access trails, free saplings from girdling tree guards, and install signs to help people recreate safely.

Water Wins: River Corridor Easements Face Flooding
As we go into winter at Vermont River Conservancy, we are reflecting on the successes of river corridor easements in the face of flooding over the summer.