Restoring Abundance and Conserving Rarity: Helping Vermont’s Native Plants Thrive
Feb 22 | 11 am | Fletcher Memorial Library 88 Main St, Ludlow, VT 05149
How are Vermont's rare plants faring? What about the common ones? Learn about the work of the Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory to map, monitor, and conserve over 600 species of rare and uncommon plant species across the state. Discover how and WHY to responsibly choose native plants for your own pollinator gardens, meadowscaping, and beyond. In-person attendees will receive a small packet of local native wildflower seeds.
More Info HereCommunity Watershed Environmental Education Activity - Brattleboro, VT
Jan 21 | 2 pm - 4 pm | Brooks Memorial Library
Come to the library for hands-on, fun, and interactive demonstrations on the sources and effects of water pollution. What is a watershed? How does pollution get in our water? Vermont River Conservancy will run demonstrations and activities on how storm water runoff carries pollutants through the watershed to a pond, lake, river, bay, or ocean – and the best management practices to prevent this type of pollution from occurring. The overall watershed/stormwater concept is effectively communicated to all ages (children to adults)!
Library InformationNews
Project Pipeline: A sneak peek of a few highlight projects
A sneak peek of a few spots where we're making favorite recreation spots even better and protecting conservation lands in every corner of Vermont.
Water Wins
It's been a busy few months here at Vermont River Conservancy. Here are a few highlights – more land conserved around our popular Nulhegan Hut, volunteers out on-the-ground at Dog's Head Falls fishing access site, and floodplain conservation along the White River.
Reflections from VRC’s Board of Directors
As the season transitions to winter, we’re reflecting on a now-familiar theme for all of us over the past few turbulent years: change. We’ve looked to our mission and the very rivers we seek to protect to offer us an example of how to welcome that change–rivers move, change over time, and carry forward.
Job Opening: Conservation Manager, Southern Vermont
With a focus on the Brattleboro area and upstream communities, the Conservation Manager will engage communities large and small to shape riverside conservation efforts – from leading conversations to identify a suite of community-led projects in their watershed to gaining public support for individual conservation projects.
Job Opening: Conservation Manager, Site Steward
We're looking for a new staff person to oversee on-the-ground management of conservation lands, implement site improvements to keep trails in excellent condition, oversee large scale restoration projects, and engage volunteers.
Protected! Nulhegan Recreation Area and Conservation Lands
Today we signed final paperwork to protect 2 more acres in the heart of Vermont’s northern forest. Adjacent to a large block of conserved lands, this project along the wild Nulhegan River augments conservation connectivity, restores riparian habitat, cleans-up the riverfront, and creates new opportunities for all-access recreation (day and overnight).
Job Opening: Administrative Assistant
Join our VRC team, help oversee daily operations, and work to protect Vermont's rivers.
To Sit by a River
Whether you’re a 6-year-old kid getting off the school bus, energy sapped after a full day of getting to know new friends and teachers, or a “grownup” sapped by the day to day, our rivers are a place to refresh and recharge.
VRC Awarded Grant for Outdoor Recreation
Vermont River Conservancy is one of 24 organizations to receive $5M in outdoor recreation grants.
VRC Receives AARP Community Challenge Grant
The trail along the North Branch of the Winooski River in Worcester and Elmore has new wayfinding and accessibility features.
Introducing VRC’s 2021 summer swimming hole steward, Reilly Butler!
This summer Reilly will be working with VRC and AmeriCorps to keep Vermont swimming holes protected and visitors safe.
Staff Departure, Year-End Review and More in our Latest Newsletter
Bidding a fond farewell to Lydia Menendez Parker after 10 years of incredible work serving VRC's mission.