
Remy Crettol, Hayley Kolding, and Erin De Vries outside the State House and excited to attend VHCC Legislative Day.

Vermont River Conservancy Attends VHCC Legislative Day

March 7, 2023

Vermont River Conservancy joined a confluence of conservation and housing partners at the Vermont State House for the 35th birthday of our longtime and supportive partner, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB). Conservation Director Erin testified to the critical role that VHCB plays in our acquisition, protection, and public access projects.

Remy Crettol with his dog in front of a waterfall.

Three’s a Team

February 15, 2023

New staff Remy Crettol and Hayley Kolding joined VRC today, creating a 3-person conservation team for the first time in our organization's decades-long history, and multiplying our impact for Vermont's rivers.

Nulhegan Pond wetland in Brighton, VT.

Protected! Nulhegan Wetland

December 23, 2022

We couldn't close out 2022 without protecting one more amazing place: a vibrant 13-acre wetland in Brighton. And with your help, we'll protect even more places like this in 2023.  

Fall foliage along the wetlands at Woodbury Mountain Preserve.

Meet Our New Administrative Assistant

December 19, 2022

We continue to ride the energy of new beginnings as we move into the new year. Our team is growing! We will have several new faces to introduce to you in the coming months. Let's start by introducing our new Administrative Assistant, Alaya Morning.

Fall foliage reflected in the water at Woodbury Mountain Preserve. Shifts in season brought a shift in leadership here at Vermont River Conservancy.

Meet Our New Co-Directors

December 14, 2022

This fall brought a shift in leadership at Vermont River Conservancy, allowing us to embracing a shared leadership model that puts collaboration at the center of all we do. Welcome to our new Co-Directors Erin De Vries & Kassia Randzio!

A child walking down stairs at the North Branch Cascades Trail in Vermont.

Project Pipeline: A sneak peek of a few highlight projects

December 7, 2022

A sneak peek of a few spots where we're making favorite recreation spots even better and protecting conservation lands in every corner of Vermont.

Good birding on the Poultney River in Vermont

Water Wins

November 11, 2022

It's been a busy few months here at Vermont River Conservancy. Here are a few highlights – more land conserved around our popular Nulhegan Hut, volunteers out on-the-ground at Dog's Head Falls fishing access site, and floodplain conservation along the White River.

Good birding on the Poultney River in Vermont

Reflections from VRC’s Board of Directors

November 8, 2022

As the season transitions to winter, we’re reflecting on a now-familiar theme for all of us over the past few turbulent years: change. We’ve looked to our mission and the very rivers we seek to protect to offer us an example of how to welcome that change–rivers move, change over time, and carry forward.

Good birding on the Poultney River in Vermont

Job Opening: Conservation Manager, Southern Vermont

October 23, 2022

With a focus on the Brattleboro area and upstream communities, the Conservation Manager will engage communities large and small to shape riverside conservation efforts – from leading conversations to identify a suite of community-led projects in their watershed to gaining public support for individual conservation projects.

Volunteers planting trees along a Vermont river.

Job Opening: Conservation Manager, Site Steward

October 20, 2022

We're looking for a new staff person to oversee on-the-ground management of conservation lands, implement site improvements to keep trails in excellent condition, oversee large scale restoration projects, and engage volunteers.

Fall colors along the wild Nulhegan River.

Protected! Nulhegan Recreation Area and Conservation Lands

September 30, 2022

Today we signed final paperwork to protect 2 more acres in the heart of Vermont’s northern forest. Adjacent to a large block of conserved lands, this project along the wild Nulhegan River augments conservation connectivity, restores riparian habitat, cleans-up the riverfront, and creates new opportunities for all-access recreation (day and overnight).

Job Opening: Administrative Assistant

September 28, 2022

Join our VRC team, help oversee daily operations, and work to protect Vermont's rivers.

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